Monday, 16 December 2013



Porifera are filter feeders, they take in water and nutrients through incurrent canals and release waste through excurrent canals. The exception of the Proifera was that they can be carnivorous too, at a tinme they can eat whole animals these animals are called crustaceans.


Sponges have no respiatory or excretory glands or organs, all of the proess occur through diffusion through individual cells. The water also serves as the Sponges respiratory system. As the water pass through the sponge cells remove oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide into the water.


The water current is used for circulation, dissolved gasses are brough to cells and enter the cells via simple diffusion. Metabolic wastes are also transferred to the water through diffusion. Sponges pump remarkable amounts of water.


A sponge has carbon dioxide and other waste removed as the water moves in and out through the pores. Gasses are brought through the cell by current and it is entered the cell through diffusion. The water that flows into the pores of the sponge exit through the Osculum.


Sponges don't have and way to sense things, they don't have eyes, nose, ears and even the sense of feel. However the sponges do have a way to carry out information within there body while adult sponges are not mobile they are able to react to certain stimuli.


Sponges move very less most of there energy is used on reproduction. There movement has to mostly do with the water surrounding them, they move by the tide of the water. Sponges are known to move at very slow speeds because they rely on the sea.


Sponges can be asexual and sexual when it comes to reproducing. Sponges that reproduce sexually means that they are hermaphrodites, and those that reproduce asexually means that they form buds or gemmules. These sperms are subsequently captured by female sponges of the same species, the sperm is transported to the eggs and this process is called archaeocytes.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Plant Video Summary
The Venus fly trap is an interesting plant, its amazing how it eats so many insects when it should be the other way around. The only way this plant can survive is it for eat insects. When the plant feels an insect on either side of the leaf the leaves surround the insect and then there is no way for the insect to come out. It takes four to five years to get maturity and once it reaches that level it survives for at least 30 years. I found this plant very interesting because its a very unique type of creature.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Welwitschia Mirabilis

I learnt about the welwitschia mirabilis, this plant looked very interesting to me because it lives in the large deserts and also grows to be very large in size. Another great thing about this plant is that it drys out really fast so it could camouflage with the sand and this made it way easier for this plant to catch its food. This plant is also known for its amazing way of adapting to the extreme heat. This plant only has two leaves but since its soo large it makes it look like it has more then two also this plant lives up to 1000 years while other plants only live 5-10 years. This plant grows very slowly so it has adapted to the Namibian desert very well.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Acorns and Pincones

An acorn is produced by the Oak tree and a pinecone is produced on a Pine tree. They both distribute seeds in and in that way they are similar. Pinecones come in a cone shape, and they are always different shapes, a male cone is different from a female cone. An acorn usually has one seed in it covered with a hard shell all acornsvare generally the same shape. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Midterm Evaluation!


This picture repersents classification because I learned a lot from this, this activity gave me the learning of what classification is. I learned the similarity of animals and thye differences, and I learned what kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species is.


On my blog there is a Taxonomy activity Classification and Taxonomy is very similiar, but Taxonomy ias in more detail.  Each species belongs to a genus, each genus belongs to a family, and so on through order, class, phylum, and kingdom. My blog post really introduced me to the term Taxonomy, so I enjoy what I learned about it.


This was my evolution project, I learned what evolution was by this project because it was a ver tricky thing to do. It was hard to see which animal goes together, basically evolution is how animals change through time.

This is one of the worksheets I've done on viruses and this has helped me very much. I've learned that viruses go into the cell and they carry proteins. Ive also learned that there are two types of viruses one type is Lytic and the other is Lysogenic, both of the viruses go through a life cycle.


Both of these two experiments gave me an idea of how bacteria grows and how many it multiples by, I learned what kills bacteria the most and what places perhaps may have a lot of bacteria. Bacteria is in the domain kingdom of prokaryotic microorganism, bacteria is in the form of spirals, rods, and spheres. After learning about bacteria I know the difference between bacteria and virus.

This is one of the protist labs we have done, I really enjoyed finding protists and looking at where they come from and and all the many different ways they look. Protists are eukaryotic microorganisms, and mostly protists are in the kingdom called protista and most of these are unicellular. And lastly protists contain DNA and RNA and have ribosomes.

The part that I loved learning the most was Taxonomy and Evolution, I believe that these were the most interesting to me and I learned a lot in these topics. The amount of work that I put in this class can improve, but I hand it almost all of the work assigned. I love biology and I'm excited for the rest of the semester, I also like how we get to express our love to biology through the internet and that we get to share cool stuff. I think that in this class I deserve at least a B of 73%, and I will improve my work habits in class and always hand in everything from now on.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Aptostichus Angelinajolieae, named after Angelina Jolie

Aptostichus angelinajolieae, a species of trapdoor spider named for the actress, is found on coastal dunes of Northern California. Surprisingly, the spider does not have large lips or a hunky husband. 
It's also named this because it's a hatch to hide from prey.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Why Didn't It React?

Why didn't water kill the bacteria? It didn't kill bacteria because water does not remove bacteria from things. Why didn't the sanitizer kill bacteria? It doesn't have strong enough antiseptic cleaners in it. Why didn't the control work? It didn't work because the paper towel already had bacteria on it. The only reason bleach killed bacteria was cause there's a lot of chlorine in it to kill bacteria, and before hand we soaked the paper towel in bacteria so it killed the bacteria from the paper towel before hand which made it very sterile.

What Kills Bacteria The Most?

1. Water
2. Bleach
3. Sanitizer
4. Nothing

The water did not remove any bacteria, bleach killed a lot of bacteria, sanitizer did not kill much, and lastly doing nothing didn't kill bacteria.

We got the bacteria from PE door handle.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


1. Door Knob
2. Locker
3. Recycling Bin
4. Phone Screen

The door knob has yellow dots on it and white fungus, the locker has one yellow dot but less then the door knob, the recycling bin has couple yellow dots and one tiny red dot and some white fungus, lastly the phone screen one white dot and couple yellow dots.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Reflecting My Progress!

The three main things im proud of is my Evolution project, my Adaptive Radiation project and lastly my Pretend Organism project. I'm proud of my Evolution project because it was very interesting to do and show the teacher what we learned and I loved working in my group. I also loved doing my Adaptive Raditation project because it was very mind boggling and I enjoy that. Lastly I enjoyed my Pretend Organism project because I got to makeup different types of organism's.

My binder is very organised all the things we did earlier this semester is at the front of my binder and all the recent work is towards the back, my tests and small cut and paste projects are at the folder part of my binder and all my tests are in the other folder side. I feel like im very productive because I get all my work done.

The blog that meant the most to me was probably the Taxony post, I felt like i learned the most with this blog.

Engagement in class is very important because people learn more I bieleve, because you contribute more ideas and you interact with your peers which is always a good habit.

My goal this semester is to pass the class with a good grade and to learn a lot about biology.  

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


Armadillos have shells to protect them from the sun and from other animals, an armadillo shell is made from the same material as a rock. Having a harder shell protects an armadillo more then a armadillo with a softer shell.


I wonder why an armadillo has a hard shell?

Monday, 16 September 2013


K; animalia
P; chordata
C; carnivora
F; cainidia
G; cainis
S; familiaris

K; animalia
P; arthropoda
C; arachnida
O; araneae
F; arthropods
G; pepis 

K; animalia
P; chordata
C; mammalia
O; artidactyla
F; bovidae
G; bus
S; taurus

Raspberry Bush:
K; plantae
P; cnidaria
C; anthozoa
O; rosales
F; rosaceae
G; rubus
S; r.strigosus

Great White Shark:
K; animalia
P; chordata
C; chondrichthyes
O; elasmbranchii
F; selachii
G; carcharodon
S; carcharias

The similarities between a dog, cow, and great white shark are that they all get grouped under the kingdom animalia. There phylum is chordata and the class is mammalia, but the difference between them are a lot for example the dog is under the order carnivora, the cow is under the order artidactyla and the great white shark is under the order elasmobranchii.

Q: what was the first kingdom that created?

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

You'd think that the trees would create more leaves during the winter months, because humans layer up. Leaves have a type of chemical called chlorophyll which creates food for the trees. And since in the winter months not enough sunlight is available the leaves fallout, the trees get there food from the roots.
Why do the leaves fall out during the colder months?