Monday, 16 September 2013


K; animalia
P; chordata
C; carnivora
F; cainidia
G; cainis
S; familiaris

K; animalia
P; arthropoda
C; arachnida
O; araneae
F; arthropods
G; pepis 

K; animalia
P; chordata
C; mammalia
O; artidactyla
F; bovidae
G; bus
S; taurus

Raspberry Bush:
K; plantae
P; cnidaria
C; anthozoa
O; rosales
F; rosaceae
G; rubus
S; r.strigosus

Great White Shark:
K; animalia
P; chordata
C; chondrichthyes
O; elasmbranchii
F; selachii
G; carcharodon
S; carcharias

The similarities between a dog, cow, and great white shark are that they all get grouped under the kingdom animalia. There phylum is chordata and the class is mammalia, but the difference between them are a lot for example the dog is under the order carnivora, the cow is under the order artidactyla and the great white shark is under the order elasmobranchii.

Q: what was the first kingdom that created?

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

You'd think that the trees would create more leaves during the winter months, because humans layer up. Leaves have a type of chemical called chlorophyll which creates food for the trees. And since in the winter months not enough sunlight is available the leaves fallout, the trees get there food from the roots.
Why do the leaves fall out during the colder months?