Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Final Buddy Reflection!

PE leaders - Gagan, Sahil, Shimeran, Sukhi, and Jasleen.
1.  What adjustments and improvements did you make in your lessons (structure, activities, organization, instructions) from the first lesson to the last one?  From our first lesson to our last we had made vast adjustments and based on those adjustments improved a lot. During our first lesson we had a good structure with the kids, but we did not have a lot of involvement of the big buddies. In our last the structure is balanced, we have learned that the kids do want the buddies to participate and we can provide that for them in a way for both the big buddies and little buddies can enjoy. We had tried to do more fitness based activities (circuit) with the kids but we realized that they enjoyed more of a reckless gym time, so in our last we have adjusted ourselves to merge fitness and fun together which was an improvement on their enjoyment level. From first lesson to last we were extremely organized, we had all the materials ready to go for the kids to use. We had improved the way we explained the activities, we learned that we had to be really descriptive and show demos for the kids to throughly understand the activities. 

2.  What was the biggest challenge for your group?  For you?  The biggest challenge for the group and myself would have to be finding activities that were different each week and kept the interest of all the kids, we wanted to make sure they were getting proper exercise and learning new skills that would correspond in their everyday lives. 

3.  Describe your favourite moment as a leader and explain why.  My favourite moment as a leader was forming a bond with my buddy, the moment they entered the gym and told their friends while pointing "oh thats my big buddy!" is very comforting, to think I had an impact on them not only as a buddy but even as a role model, someone who they were happy to see and proud to meet. 

4. What do you still need to work on?  What improvements would you make if you were continuing teaching for another month?      Based on our lessons in this month we have ran smoothly and done extremely with the kids, and if we were to continue the for another month we would surely have to improve our game skills because those kids like new games every week! Also trying to incorporate different skills they need to learn into the activity, which makes it fun and effective at the same time. 

PE Buddies -
1.  What are some of the things that you learned being a PE buddy?  While being a PE buddy i have learned there are a lot of tears, and need for patience. These kids are sensitive and know nothing about what it is like to be anything but their age, and with that i have learned there is a certain way to communicate with them, you have to be kind and patient at the same time. I have learned that once you form a bond with your buddy and begin to understand them it turns into a great friendship. 

2.  Did your comfort level change over the course of the month?  Why or why not? Over the course of the month my comfort level did change. As I began to see the kids more, it felt like a more known environment, and that lead to being more comfortable. I began to engage in the activities more because the kids encouraged the participation which was great to see, and I had fun!

3.  What was your favourite part of being a buddy?  Be specific. My favourite part of being a buddy was becoming a role model to the kids, I became someone who they were excited to see, wanted to interact with, and asked questions that they would not normally ask. I loved being a big buddy, and getting to inspire an influential kid that wants to learn and live life everyday!

In conclusion -
Rate the following:
Your group -
Lesson planning 5 /5
Organization 5 /5
Instructional clarity 4 /5
Team work  5 /5
Improvement  5/5
You -
Interaction with buddy 10 /10
Improvement on your goal 4.5 /5

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